Thursday, October 30, 2014

Busy Dizzy by Dr. Orly Katz

Busy Dizzy
Dr. Orly Katz
4900 LaCross Rd., North Charleston, SC 29406,
978-1494701413, Print $13.97 US
B00HALMR6C, Kindle $1.99 US

Have you ever met a Dizzy? I am sure you have. According to the author, "Dizzies are strange peculiar creatures, sometimes funny, sometimes mean... that whisper annoying things in our children's ears which prevent them from doing what they really want." In other words, they are that voice inside one's head that tells them negative things and convinces them to behave in undesirable ways. They can make one feel angry, sad, or embarrassed. We all have them, but how do we help our children cope with them?

Dr. Orly Katz presents a unique solution for self-confidence issues with the intended audience being children from three to eight years of age. Through activities and song, she shows children the way to cope with their inner fears and emotions. The story is written in rhymes and provides a wonderful melodic flow when the text is read out loud. The illustrations are colorful and fun. They are a perfect complement to the text and are visually appealing. The story is set at a moderate pace and the content is certainly enjoyable throughout.

My children loved reading this and wanted to hear it multiple times. They enjoyed drawing their "Dizzies" and singing the song. Some of their comments included: "This story was really cool!", "I want to read this every day!”, and "These activities are fun!" Overall, Busy Dizzy was a huge success with the kids and this book is a treasure to have in our collection.

About the Author (Taken from "Busy Dizzy"):

Best seller author, Dr. Orly Katz, is an expert for youth empowerment and life skills, who hold a doctorate in Educational Leadership; she is a sought after guest on TV and radio, and a national speaker and workshop facilitator for parents, educationalists and youth.
Orly is the founder of the "Simply Me" Center for: Leadership, Empowerment and Self Esteem.
Her two book series: Surviving Junior High, and Surviving Primary School, and her yearly Digital course: "Empowering Teachers to Empower Students", are recommended by the Ministry of Education, and are being taught in many schools as part of the curriculum in life skills lessons. Orly lives in Haifa, with her Husband and three children.

Check out Busy Dizzy by Dr. Orly Katz:
Busy Dizzy (Motivational rhyming story for kids ages 4-8)

And do not forget to visit Dr. Orly Katz @


If you would like your book reviewed for free, please shoot me an email with a Kindle Version or PDF. Currently, I am only taking on short reads--Children's Books Only--since my chapter book schedule is full. Sorry for the inconvenience. No Spammers Please!

Jaclyn M. Bartz
Author/Illustrator of "The Retired Tooth Fairy"
Volunteer Book Reviewer for Midwest Book Review

email: theretiredtoothfairy (at) outlook (dot) com

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